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The Retailers database we use, is formulated from top tier sources that have proven their accuracy over and over again! We fully understand the importance of getting top rate marketing lists when you’re buying lists for Retailers, Shops & Stores email addresses, phone numbers and company postal addresses.
✓ Email addresses
✓ Telephone numbers
✓ Postal addresses
✓ Database growing daily
When you’re looking for the right database of Retailers, Shops & Stores for marketing, you’ll want to get the best possible at affordable rates. Bearing this in mind, we offer highly targeted Retailers lists from a reliable database of Retailers, Shops & Stores all at reasonable prices!
With our knowledge and experience in sourcing the best business databases for marketing, we’re positive we can help you turn your marketing into a roaring success!
This is an approximate count from our Retailers, Shops & Stores database. When we have more information from you, we’ll conduct a bespoke count for you.
Choosing the right list of Retailers for you couldn’t be easier! Our database of Retailers, Shops & Stores contains phone numbers, email addresses, and postal addresses. All meticulously compiled into one database which can be easily filtered for all kinds of different Retailers, Shops & Stores marketing lists saving you time and money!
We take a 5 step approach and then work with you to refine your selection using a myriad of other selection criteria to build the best list of Retailers, Shops & Stores you. We call this the production stage.
Decide on the location you are targeting be it by County, Postcode, or radius from postcode
Choose the business Sector or category you are targeting, we have thousands to choose from.
What size companies are you targeting… Choose from the number of employees or company turnover
Thousands of job titles & job functions to select from to get you in touch with the right person.
How are you going to contact these companies? Choose from postal, telephone or email
The more information you can share with us, the better we can target your retailers list, So, don’t hold back, let us know exactly what you need, and we’ll do the rest!
Our target rate of accuracy is 95%
Our data providers work extremely hard to meet this level of accuracy by updating and refreshing over 200,000 records every month via just one database collaboration. Add to the mix Companies House updates, website updates including social profiles, plus other leading databases collaboration and you end up with over 12 million updates every year to the main B2B database. A business database is liquid, people change positions, join other companies and businesses open and close. It means we need to be on top of our game, and we are!
The basis of our business databases is self-declared information either by individual business social profiles, actual business owners, company websites and off course Companies House!
Do you need all of them or a just a select few? Either way, have a chat with us and let’s work on getting a winning list together for you.
Information is key when marketing to retailers and this is why we will give you as much information as possible. A lot depends on your selection criteria…
– Company name
– Postal address
– Contact name
– Telephone number and/or email address
– Industry sector
– Number of employees & Company turnover, where available.
Some selection criteria information cannot be shared but is used for filtering purposes only. But don’t worry because we’ll explain exactly what can and can’t be included in the output file before we mover forwards with your order.
It all depends on how many you need to purchase but to give you an idea, our smallest order starts at just £125!
Yes, we understand that not many people want to commit large sums of money to test marketing lists of retailers and that’s why we’ve made it easy to get the ball rolling!
Once you have signed the order form and made payment, we aim to have your list of Retailers with you within 24 to 48 hours. We don’t like people waiting around so we’ll do it as soon as possible!
All emails, phone numbers and addresses are listed business contacts by the owners. Telephone numbers are TPS and CTPS checked before sending to you, however you are responsible to TPS & CTPS them once every 28 days after receiving them. We use Legitimate Interests as our grounds for processing personal data and the use of email addresses.
If you have any questions or you’re ready to buy your list of Retailers, all you need to do is reach out to us and have a chat..
Governing bodies crucial for retailers
Trading Standards Authority: Retailers adhere to Trading Standards for fair trade practices and consumer rights protection.
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA): ASA compliance ensures truthful and legal advertising in retail promotions.
Food Standards Agency (FSA): Compliance with FSA regulations ensures food safety and labelling standards for retail food products.
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO): ICO regulations govern data protection and privacy in retail operations.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE): Retailers handling electronics comply with WEEE regulations for proper disposal.
British Retail Consortium (BRC): BRC membership emphasizes industry standards adherence for quality and safety in retail.
Different Types of Retailers
Supermarkets: Leading chains offering an extensive range of groceries and household essentials.
Department Stores: Retail hubs providing diverse products across various departments.
Clothing and Fashion Retailers: Shops specialising in garments, accessories, and fashion trends.
Online Retailers/E-commerce Stores: Digital platforms offering a wide array of products for online purchase.
Electronics Retailers: Stores focusing on electronic gadgets, appliances, and technology.
Furniture and Home Décor Stores: Retailers specialising in furniture, interior decorations, and home essentials.
DIY and Home Improvement Retailers: Shops offering tools, materials, and supplies for home projects.
Pharmacies and Health Stores: Outlets providing pharmaceuticals, health, and wellness products.
Bookstores and Stationery Shops: Retailers selling books, stationery, and educational materials.
Specialty Food and Beverage Stores: Shops offering gourmet foods, beverages, and specialty items.
Cosmetics and Beauty Retailers: Stores providing skincare, makeup, and beauty products.
Toy and Games Shops: Retail outlets selling toys, games, and entertainment products.
Sporting Goods Retailers: Shops specialising in sports equipment and apparel.
Jewellery and Accessories Stores: Retailers offering accessories, watches, and jewellery pieces.
Home Appliance Retailers: Stores providing domestic appliances and electrical goods.
Email marketing
When selecting your list of retailers, you’ll be able to include the retailers email addresses too. These email addresses are direct to the named contact on the Retailers database and are not just generic email addresses. With a multi-use license you’ll be able to put some compelling emails together and aim to build interest in your product or service. Make sure you keep the email content relevant and include real value statements.
If you select telephone numbers to be included in your Retailers list, you’ll have a great way to reach out directly and really get to grips with your marketing. You can try combining emails and telemarketing for the same campaign! All our Retailers telephone numbers are TPS & CTPS cleansed before we send them to you but you need to make sure you continue doing this at least once every 28 days to make sure a number hasn’t been registered on TPS or CTPS once you’ve received it from us.
Mailing (Postal Direct Mail)
Sending businesses direct mail via the post has made a comeback and is getting good feedback. Your Retailers list comes with postal addresses, so you now have the option to do this too!
Do you need our help?
If you need any help or advice with any of the above, reach out to one of our Client Growth Specialists.
If you have any questions or you’re ready to buy your list of Retailers, all you need to do is reach out to us and have a chat..
"Really helped me with the selection part. I was thinking for ages what would be the best industry to target because we cater for so many industries but with a little help we settled on our target audience. Will buy again!"
"We've been trying to find a company that we could buy emails from for ages. We needed to A/B test different target audiences but everywhere had a sizeable minimum order. Thanks to these guys they made it possible and we both learned a bit more about Ai because they use it too"
"I was deperate for a decent list of CEO's fast! Contacted them on the Monday morning and received my list the next day!
We are a division of Captivate+ which is an international marketing agency based in London with offices also in Manila and Delhi. Captivate+ offers a myriad of digital marketing solutions and direct marketing solutions. Our division was added so we could focus on promoting our growing offering of B2B marketing lists.
At Axowa & The B2C Data Providers you'll find many different types of consumer marketing lists. Axowa & The B2C Data Providers are both part of Captivate+
When you send an enquiry via the web form on this page and sign and pay in full for your order at standard rates before the end of this month, you will automatically qualify for 10% extra records on top of your order. All qualifying orders must be fully delivered and completed by the end of next month. This offer is only for standard data from our databases and not for any other services.
We’re here to answer all your questions and share our experience & knowledge.